New Family Violence Flexible Support Packages Portal
Family Safety Victoria has developed an online portal to streamline the application, assessment, approval and acquittal of Family Violence Flexible Support Packages (FVFSPs).
The portal is now open for applicant agencies to submit applications, and provider agencies will use the portal to assess, respond to and report on applications. Each provider has a specific link to the portal.
Until 31 December 2021, applications will still be accepted using the previous application process or through the portal. From 1 January 2022 all applications will need to be submitted via the portal.
A learning portal has been established to help new users learn to navigate the new FSP portal quickly and easily. Applicant agencies/practitioners need to register to use the FSP portal following the steps outlined in the training in the learning portal.
Applicant agencies/practitioners in the northern metropolitan region can contact the FVFSP providers about accessing the learning portal and attending upcoming information sessions:
North East Melbourne: Anglicare FVFSP Coordinator at or 8470 9999
Hume Moreland: Uniting FVFSP Coordinator at or 9302 6100.
Find detailed information about FSPs, including eligibility, what packages can buy and service requirements, in the updated program guidelines.
Find more information about the Personal Safety Initiative operational guidelines.
(Uniting and Anglicare emails, 26.10.21)