NIFVS is not a crisis response service – if in immediate danger phone 000 or Get Help
Northern Integrated Family
Violence Services Partnership
For professionals supporting the
safety of victim survivors in Melbourne's
northern metropolitan region

Week Without Violence

The Week Without Violence (WWV) is an annual campaign during the third week of October that aims to end violence against women.

Since 1999, the northern metropolitan region (NMR) has marked the Week Without Violence (WWV), primarily through the Clothesline Project, which focuses on raising awareness about family violence.

Community Safety and Wellbeing Expo Yarra, WWV 2022

The Clothesline Project

In January 2024 NIFVS funding of regional Clothesline projects was reviewed. It was agreed that as of the 2024 Week Without Violence campaign, NIFVS funding would cease, with a preference for regional activities to be locally driven and be focused on more environmentally friendly activity options that better meets community needs.

NIFVS will still be supporting regional Clothesline projects and the Week Without Violence campaign through resources such as social media tiles and updated multi-language posters.

Please consult your Family Violence Network Convenor for more information on Clothesline activities planned for your local area. You can find their contact details here.

Do you want to know more about support services in place?
Search for support services available in your area here.

20th Anniversary WWV Film

View the 20th Anniversary Week Without Violence film, created in 2019 to celebrate the history in the region.