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For professionals supporting the
safety of victim survivors in Melbourne's
northern metropolitan region

Gender and Disaster Australia Receive Federal Funding

The Federal Government has provided funding to Gender and Disaster Australia as part of the Government’s commitment to reducing violence against women. 

Gender and Disaster Australia, previously known as GAD Pod, has been in operation for over a decade. It is a unique initiative which brings together a wide range of emergency sector, community and government agencies and representatives to address the causes and effects of gender-based violence in emergency and disaster situations.

The federal funding will allow Gender and Disaster Australia to implement a world-class, flexible-delivery and sustainable training package with ongoing professional resourcing and support. The program develops community capability to assist in identifying the risks and minimising the impact of gendered violence.

The GAD Pod was established in 2015 by Women’s Health In the North, Women’s Health Goulburn North East and Monash University’s Disaster Resilience Initiative, as a result of earlier work on the gendered impacts of the Black Saturday bushfires in 2009 on disaster responders, residents and communities. 

(Source: WHIN eNews, 4.1.22)