NIFVS is not a crisis response service – if in immediate danger phone 000 or Get Help
Northern Integrated Family
Violence Services Partnership
For professionals supporting the
safety of victim survivors in Melbourne's
northern metropolitan region

Emergency Accommodation Project Funded

Funding has been provided for a 12-month Family Violence Motel* Project.

The aims include:

  • Support a more coordinated local approach to the utilisation of motels for family violence emergency accommodation by developing systems and information sharing process between local agencies and statewide services
  • Develop systems, information and resources to support safe and appropriate motel placements.

The project working group for the NMR includes the Principal Strategic Advisor and representatives from The Orange Doors, homelessness and specialist family violence services. A Family Violence Motel Co-ordinator Project Facilitator has also been employed by Juno.

* The term ‘motel’ including motels, hotels, caravan parks etc.

(Source: Family Safety Victoria communique, 20.7.22)