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Northern Integrated Family
Violence Services Partnership
For professionals supporting the
safety of victim survivors in Melbourne's
northern metropolitan region

Attend New MARAM Elder Abuse Training

Practitioners can now attend Identification of Family Violence against Older People (Elder Abuse) – victim survivor focused eLearn training.

The course discusses family violence against older people (elder abuse). The modules have been developed to assist practitioners understand and use the Family Violence Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management (MARAM) Framework and Information Schemes in their everyday work with older people.

To access this course: 

·    Go to

·    Sign up for an account (if you do not have one) 

·    Select ‘Families Fairness and Housing Workforces’ (DFFH) 

·    Select ‘eLearn: MARAM Identification of family violence against older people (Elder Abuse) – victim survivor focused eLearn’. Select ‘Enroll me’.

(Source, Family Safety Victoria email, 8.9.22)