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Northern Integrated Family
Violence Services Partnership
For professionals supporting the
safety of victim survivors in Melbourne's
northern metropolitan region

Research Project – Family Violence Affecting Families with Children from Migrant Backgrounds  

Researchers from the University of Melbourne would like to speak to mothers or caregivers from migrant backgrounds whose families have experienced domestic and family violence (DFV).  

This project aims to strengthen service system responses to families in this situation. Participation is completely voluntary. The researchers are interested in talking to mothers from migrant and refugee backgrounds who:

  • Have experienced DFV within the past 10years
  • Had children in their care at the time of experiencing DFV  
  • Are not currently experiencing DFV or any other crisis that would place them at increased risk by participating in this research.

Interviews will take approximately 60minutes at a location convenient to participants. Participants will receive a $50 gift voucher to value their contribution.

If you know of any potential participants or would like more information please contact Jess Kirwan or call 0434504083 by 30 April 2024.