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Northern Integrated Family
Violence Services Partnership
For professionals supporting the
safety of victim survivors in Melbourne's
northern metropolitan region

National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

1300 275 634
Region: Northern Metropolitan
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is being rolled out across Australia by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). For people with a mental illness the NDIS is the main vehicle through which psychosocial support and other disability support associated with a having a mental illness is accessed. Its largest component is the provision of individual support packages in which consumers identify goals around life domains, and funding is provided for the support and services required to reach them. To be eligible for the NDIS people will need to:
  • be under 65 years of age
  • live in an area in which the NDIS is operational
  • be an Australian citizen or permanent resident
  • have a disability that is attributable to a psychiatric condition
  • have an impairment or impairments that are permanent, or are likely to be permanent
  • have an impairment or impairments that substantially reduces functioning in daily living
Local Area Coordinator - The Brotherhood of St Laurence Find more information about the NDIS in this quick guide.