NIFVS is not a crisis response service – if in immediate danger phone 000 or Get Help
Northern Integrated Family
Violence Services Partnership
For professionals supporting the
safety of victim survivors in Melbourne's
northern metropolitan region

Uniting – North East Financial Counselling Program

Ph: 1800 685 682
Region: Banyule, Darebin, Nillumbik, Whittlesea and Yarra

Uniting has specialised Family Violence Financial Counsellors for those who are going through financial issues as a result of family violence.

General financial counselling is also available for people who are experiencing financial stress, have large unpaid bills, loans and budgetting problems or are going through financial issues as a result of gambling.

Telephone and face-to-face financial counselling services are available.

Offices in Banyule, Collingwood, Epping, Lalor and Preston. Also outreach to The Orange Door and the Aboriginal Advancement League.

Service provided in partnership with Anglicare and Banyule Community Health.

Ph: 1800 685 682 or email: