NIFVS is not a crisis response service – if in immediate danger phone 000 or Get Help
Northern Integrated Family
Violence Services Partnership
For professionals supporting the
safety of victim survivors in Melbourne's
northern metropolitan region

Advocate for Further Investment in Family Violence this Election

Safe and Equal has launched its Victorian Election Platform in the lead up to the Victorian 2022 State Election. On behalf of the family violence sector, they are encouraging stakeholders to speak to their local candidates about family violence response and prevention.

The Election Platform has five key priorities:

  • Securing a sustainable footing for the specialist family violence sector
  • Growing, developing, and retaining specialist workforces
  • Eliminating the impossible ‘choice’ between violence and homelessness
  • Addressing gaps and barriers in the expanding family violence system
  • Investing meaningfully into primary prevention.

Check out the Safe and Equal advocacy toolkit for ways to advocate for these commitments before 26 November.

(Source: Safe and Equal Member Bulletin, 15.9.22)