On the Shoulders of Giants – Workforce Resilience Forum
On 8 November 2016, over 60 participants explored strategies to enhance workforce resilience in a forum co-hosted by Northern Integrated Family Violence Services and the Northern Indigenous Family Violence Action Group. After hearing about the impact of trauma from psychologist Shawn Goldberg and strategies to build a resilient workforce from a panel, participants discussed workforce resilience solutions.

Forum resources
View a summary of the forum.
View the presentations from the day.
Other resources from the day:
worksheet to assess your self-care.
worksheet to address vicarious traumatisation.
list of self-care activities.
Additional resources
Resisting Burnout with Justice-doing, Vikki Reynolds
Family Violence Workforce Wellbeing Guide (Family Safety Victoria)
Health, Safety and Wellbeing Tool (Safe and Equal)
Find further resources recommended by guest speaker, Shawn Goldberg.